14 June 2005


So I was at Barnes and Noble pretending it's a library recently, and I impulsively bought a slim book on palm-reading.

(Affadavit: This is so not like me. Neither impulse buying, nor the ancient art of palmistry. But the pictures were pretty! And it was only five dollars! And ninety-five cents!)

But buy it I did, and read it I did as well. And it was kind of fun. I found out that my head line is forked at the end, which denoted a literary and creative spirit. In fact, just about everything on my hand denoted creativity. Didn't know I was that inventive.

The shape of your hand is apparently very important, as much as the lines. And apparently I have what I deem to be a conical hand, common to psychics and other visionaries. This site corroborates this fact.

Well, blow me down. I had no idea I was a visionary. (How ironic is that sentence?) I guess so, though, since my own hand and birthdate are telling me so. Anybody want some predictions? I can cook up something good. Remember, I'm creative and psychic.

10 June 2005

Non! Non! Non!

So the French are trying to take back history.

I guess they got tired of being the cul of too many jokes about surrender monkeys, and they said "Sacrebleu! We muss rrrregain some of how-er prrride! Prrride ees French nassi-onal speciality, n'est-ce pas?"

And what better way to do this than single-handedly bringing to a screeching, towering halt a fifty-year multinational process, of a degree of cooperation heretofore unseen by this terrestrial sphere?

But leave it to the modern French to leave their mark by negative action rather than true, honest-to-goodness progress.