01 August 2007


Late Saturday evening, a certain member of our apartmenthold went on a late-night ice cream raid.* I woke up the next morning and found the freezer door standing two inches open.

* Identity hidden to protect Frenchy

ALL the food inside was completely thawed, and so we spent the morning cooking: browning ground beef, boiling shrimp, cubing and cooking chicken, poaching fish. We've been eating pretty well this week!

Except this evening. I got all industrious and went grocery shopping after work. I marinated salmon, made an apple crisp and planned to have a great dinner ready for Frenchy when he came home grumpy from work. After that was done, I vacuumed the entire floor and cleaned the bathroom from tub to tile.

Then Frenchy calls and says he's going to poker night after all, when he had all but decided last night he wouldn't go. I hate it when he does this!

Let it go, Liesl. Breathe.

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